Great reasons for a morning walk

   Great Reasons For A Morning Walk

Eager to know why you must go out for a walk in the morning, then just read this post all the way down and once you are done I am pretty sure you will be surprised by the beneficial effect that a morning walk has on your mind and body. If you make this a part of your daily routine then this will be one the greatest achievement in your life. Morning walk is not difficult, main problem is to wake up in the morning but here are the  reasons that you must wake up early in the morning and go out for a morning walk.

Reduce the risk of fatal diseases
Diseases related to heart, obesity and diabetes have proven to be less encountering on the person who walk daily. This is due to the increase in the blood circulation in the body.
Walking  also prevents dementia and Alzheimer’s especially in older people, chances  are reduced by as high as up to 55%.
Morning walk also helps in maintaining and regulating blood sugar control. It also helps in regulating insulin and aids in keeping type II diabetes away.
In older people morning walk can prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.
Morning walk strengthens whole body and provide energy for the rest of the day.
Improves the body organs and their funtion
Morning walk provides strength to body, it keeps the heart strong and healthy. Physically inactive people have 40% more chances of stroke than people who are active and go out for a morning walk daily. Morning walk also reduces the blood cholesterol level thus it protects from heart attack and strokes.

Improvement in lungs:
morning walk provides oxygen rich environment. Level of oxygen is significantly large in the morning because of less air pollution. When you walk your body needs more oxygen, lungs than pumps more oxygen and their oxygen pumping capacity is thus increased.

Keeps hairs strong, healthy and beautiful:
morning walk regulate the hormonal balance in the body which is good for the health of hairs. Hair loss is greatly reduced in the persons who walk daily because of increase in the blood circulation.
Improvement in brain activity: morning walk increases the blood circulation in the whole body and because of this every organ in the body functions properly. Morning walk improves brain function and memory, that’s why chances of dementia are greatly reduced by a morning walk.

Regulate hormonal balance in the body
Morning walk increases blood circulation in the body which helps in regulating the hormonal balance.

Protect against miscarriages
: by maintaining hormonal balance in the body morning walk provides protection against uterine contractions in pregnant woman  thus helps in avoiding miscarriages.

Slows down Aging:
by increasing blood circulation and maintaining hormonal balance, morning walk results in healthy glowing skin.
People who do the morning walk daily looks younger than the people of their age who are physically inactive.

Improves the immune system and overall health
Morning walk provides strength to the body and improves the immune system of the body, this helps in fighting against diseases.

Protection from cancer
: from the studies it has been proved that cancers like kidney, ovarian, breast and cervical have less chance of happening to people who do morning walk daily. Body’s natural defense system is improved and it provides greater immunity against all the diseases.

Keeps stress, fatigue and restlessness away:
morning walk gives strength to the body which results in keeping the stress and fatigue away. With no stress and fatigue person enjoys a sound, joyful and peaceful sleep.

Burns the fat and keeps the body in shape:
morning walk have the body requiring more oxygen for the oxidation reactions taking place in the body. When the requirement of oxygen exceeds the available incoming oxygen amount than body undergoes a process of anaerobic respiration , in which muscles breakdown fat to obtain oxygen. As a result of this, person becomes slim, he loses weight and his body starts getting into shape.

 So these are the benefits of morning walk , I hope you like what you read. Please like, comment and subscribe. Don’t forget to share with your friends.
